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About what we do

Lesley and Dave Robinson combine their love of arty activities with their love of wildllife.  They run a small animal rescue called Animal Magic for wildbirds and hedgehogs.  This means that all the arty activities help to support this 

During the cold winter months we over winter many hedghogs that are not heavy enough to survive hibernation, they all need feeding and this costs a lot of money


As spring arrives baby birds need our help.  Many are the result of cat attacks.  This means they will need anti biotics to survive (cats saliva is very toxic), depending on the age of the bird as to how often they will have to be fed - could be every 15 minutes!


How can we help these creatures?
We have been involved in arty and environmental activities for years and decided to try and include this as a way of raisng awareness and funds to help wildbirds and hedgehogs


Our vast range of activites include mosaics, murals, banners as well as wildlife friendly activities - making lardy logs for birds, bug homes for insects and many more.  We are happy to discuss your requirements or project. 


Contact us for chat


Phone - 07773 680264 or 01159 305587

Email  -


Events & Workshops

Marvellous Mosaics


This is a design for a house number plate at a previous mosaic workshop.  Limited only by your imagination - you decide what you want to make.  Loads of inspiration to help with your design, lots of support and encouragement throughout the day



Community working


We work with schools, community groups, vulnerable adults and children, encourage arts and health all including for older people with dementia/stroke.  We also run private workshops

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