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Fledgling Alert


A fledgling is a young bird that has recently left the nest.  It will have feathers and a short tail.  Its beak may look large and it may gape (open its beak) to be fed.  The inside of the mouth is often a red/orange colour. It will probably just sit on the ground looking lost and alone.

As the young birds develop they will soon be big enough to leave the nest.  This is when you may see little birds around on the ground in your garden.  Unless they are injured or in a vulnerable position, please leave them alone.  Local rescue centres are full to bursting at this time of the year with fledglings that should have been left with their parents.

Although you may think the bird needs rescuing because it is just sitting there, it is far better to let the parents rear it.  If you stand back and watch them for a while you will see that a parent bird is keeping an eye on them.  They will be calling them and encouraging them to fly.  The parents will continue to feed these fledglings – they are not abandoned.


A nestling is very different.  They may have fallen out of the nest and are not ready to leave.  They will have very few, if any feathers.  If you find one of these it will need help.  See if you can locate the correct nest and put the bird back in (parents may be calling/making a noise).  If this is not possible the bird must be kept warm and it will need feeding (often every 15 minutes).  Put the bird in a box with a heat pad, cover with tissue to help keep it warm and phone for help immediately

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